86 of 90 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars A great and very entertaining how to get the bad cops story, February 16, 2011 After closing a case as primary Detective Peabody is on a roll and excited for more. But when she overhears two cops talking about illegal activities and murder she is shocked.
Lieutenant Eve Dallas is furious when she learns what Peabody overheard because she hates nothing more than cops who misuse their power to steal and kill. Together with the cops she trusts and her husband Roarke Eve will do everything in her power to end the reign of the dirty cops.
"Treachery in Death" is a classic how to get the bad guys story and I enjoyed that it was not as emotional as some of the other books in the In Death series. I liked that the book concentrated on Eve and her team's investigation. I loved seeing them work together and especially how Eve handled the dirty cops was awesome.
Furthermore I liked that we got to see more of Webster and I was happy to read what happened in his life. I also liked the interactions between him and Eve. The investigation of the case showed all the reasons why Eve is such a great cop. She is honest, wears her badge with pride, she doesn't misuse her position and does everything in her power to solve her cases.
I loved the scenes in which Eve manipulated the bad guys and especially their leader. And I enjoyed the interactions between Whitney and Eve and how the commander handled the dirty cops and always supported Eve. As always I also enjoyed the lighter moments of the story, for example a quarrel between Eve and Roarke and a hilarious situation in which Eve has to watch over baby Belle (so cute and made me laugh out loud).
Even after so many parts in this series I'm always super excited to read the next book because the stories still are fascinating and feel fresh. The next book in the series is called "From New York to Dallas" (one time name change) and I guess we will learn some more about Eve's past in it. I will definitely get some tissues handy to read it.
I like the UK cover and the feeling of being followed fits to the story.
final appraisal
"Treachery in Death" is a great, thrilling and very entertaining book. I loved that this time it was all about how to get the bad guys and to see the dynamics between Eve and her team. This part of the series is one of my favourites and I can't wait for more.
I bought my copy (UK version) of this book and was lucky because it was released a bit early in Germany.
27 of 28 people found the following review helpful: 4.0 out of 5 stars 4.5 Stars - Series keeps going strong, February 22, 2011 Naked in a shower in an old, unused gym in the basement of Cop Central, Peabody overhears two cops arguing about their own corruption and conspiracy in murder. One of them is a lieutenant, the daughter of a decorated ex-cop who is a legend and Whitney's predecessor. Knowing that if she is discovered, she is dead, she waits out the tense moments until their argument is over and they are gone. Shaken, she contacts McNabb and Eve to let them know what she has heard. This kicks off an investigation and internal sting operation spearheaded by Eve and in cooperation with their Internal Affairs Bureau.
After the disappointment of the last book, Indulgence in Death, which I felt was retread of an earlier book and lacked any real police procedure, I was crossing my fingers that this series and this author hadn't finally run out of steam. Thank God that isn't the case. This book was tightly plotted and a joy to read. From the moment Eve learns about what Peabody overhead, she ready to seriously kick some a$$ and the story goes into high gear and never looks back.
Eve takes a very strong dislike to her prey and begins to play with her like a cat with a mouse. What was so fun about this book was that Eve and her team were always steps ahead of the band of dirty cops they were out to get. Not once did the Bad Lieutenant (ba-da-dump!) have a clue how much trouble she was in. She was nicely outwitted and outplayed.
The entire book was a sting operation wrapped in police procedure. The climax was a total, fist pumping high. From the moment Eve gives the go ahead for her team to start phase one you just sit back and cheer on how satisfactorily they close out the sting.
Not a lot of romance or personal development in this one, although there is a sweet interlude where Eve and Roarke take a few moments in what can only be described as a sighingly romantic walk through their grounds. Also Webster gets a new romantic interest.
Really good installment!
Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?20 of 22 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Fast and solid, February 24, 2011 Treachery in death is light on the mystery - we know who the bad guy is, and what the crime is, from the first chapter - but moves at a lightning pace. Most of the story is Eve building her case. Even though she can identify the villain, she still has to gather the evidence and figure out how wide the corruption spreads and who all is involved. (I wonder if the next book will touch on the fallout of this case. As a reader, it's easy to imagine the horrific ramifications of a years-long, widespread police corruption case. Ouch.)
Eve's personal story doesn't get a whole lot of attention, but there's a humorous scene with Eve, Mavis, and Bella, and a sweet scene between Roarke and Eve. The most significant personal aspect for me was actually professional also: Eve muses on how the type of woman she is sets the tone for the type of cop she is, but also the type of BOSS she is. And as others have mentioned, Robb seems to be laying some groundwork for a happy personal turn for IAB rat Don Webster.
I thought the tightness of the story suffered just a bit at the very end - the last 70 pages or so - and the climax could have used a bit more punch. (Heh.) But overall I found this one to be really enjoyable and kind of rewhetted my appetite for these characters and this series (which had begun to wane in the last couple years).
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